סדרת ההרצאות הירושלמיות במחשבה מדינית ותולדות הרעיונות: Rachel Friedman, Tel-Aviv University “Probabilistic Justice and the Birth of Social Insurance”

ד', 15/05/201916:30-18:00
חדר 4326, חברה

Rachel Friedman, Tel-Aviv University

“Probabilistic Justice and the Birth of Social Insurance”


Rachel Friedman is a Fulbright postdoctoral fellow at the Safra Center for Ethics at Tel Aviv University. Her research focuses on the history of political thought and the normative foundations of the welfare state. She is currently completing a book project that explores how evolving interpretations of probability influenced the development of social policy in Western Europe and the United States. She holds a B.A., J.D., and Ph.D. from Harvard University.